What is Walk and Talk Therapy?
Walk and talk therapy is a relaxed and informal approach to the counselling relationship. We conduct our sessions in parks, on beaches or under a shady tree – we don’t have to walk, but we are usually always outside.
It’s good for your mind, heart and body! However please be aware it is NOT fitness orientated, we do not power walk - its just a gentle stroll.
I choose venues that are not highly populated, and that give the opportunity to sit when the need arises.
We do not walk in the first few sessions. These are always seated.
Do you offer online sessions?
Video sessions are available to anyone throughout Australia and New Zealand.
To participate, you need a device with camera, mic and speaker, and a quiet, private space, along with a stable internet connection. The session proceeds much the same as an in person one.
Session times are offered in my time zone : NSW.
What is your therapeutic approach?
I operate, loosely, from a mix of Person Centred (Rogerian) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), while also incorporating some somatic work..
I believe that change and healing happen in an environment that is judgement free and where we feel supported and accepted for who we are, where we are in this moment. This is the space I aim to provide for you.
How many sessions?
The amount of sessions is up to you. I work with women committed to deepening their understanding of themselves, and this can take some time. This work is definitely not quick fix therapy. There are some people I've worked with for 3 years or more, and others who have found 6-12 months of weekly or fortnightly sessions to be sufficient for that period in their life. Some women dip in and out of therapy as life ebbs and flows. This is about you and what you need. You are never coerced into attending or continuing therapy.
Do you work with someone's mental health diagnosis?
I work with you, not your diagnosis. If you are able to look honestly at your life and circumstances and are willing to jump in the deep end and work your way back to the shallows, then we can work together, regardless of your diagnosis. In some circumstances, where it’s clear our work is not of benefit to you, and you would be better served seeing someone else, I would discuss this with you, and refer you to someone more suited to you. I do not 'treat' mental health issues beyond anxiety and depression.
Will you write a support letter for me?
I do not write reports or support letters. A psychologist will be able to assist you with this.
Would you work with an interpreter present?
Absolutely. However the interpreter needs to be a professional interpreter (not a friend or family member) and you (or the NDIS) would need to cover their fees.
Would you work with a support worker present?
Yes, but confidentiality needs to be maintained, and as you are my client, you will be the one I'll be addressing.
Do you offer sessions on a mental health plan?
Counsellors are not able to offer sessions under a mental health care plan.
You can access the following for free or heavily discounted counselling options:
Hunter Womens Centre
Lifeline Hunter Central Coast
or try your local neighbourhood/community centres. There are many options out there for you, just google to find additional options in your area.
And if ever you find yourself feeling like you just need someone to listen right now you can call:
Lifeline – 131114
Beyond Blue (24/7) 1300 22 4636
Can I claim anything back from my health insurer?
Can I book you through Workers Comp or Victims of Crime funding?
Are you religious?
I don’t belong to any faith based organisations, or actively practice any kind of religion. However, I do have a first hand experience of how faith, the church and belief systems can impact on an individuals life.
Are you an LGBTIQ+ ally?
I identify as a same-sex attracted woman, however I am not an expert on sex, gender or sexuality. If you want to discuss specific concerns around transitioning or questions regarding gender and/or coming out, then I recommend you get in contact with ACON in Islington (4962 7700) who can put you in touch with counsellor’s who have the appropriate experience and training in these areas.
I do, however, offer couples counselling specifically to women in same-sex relationships.
Do you work with children?
I don't work with anyone under 18.
Do you work with men?
Can I bring my kids/dog?
No and No
What if it is raining/too hot/too cold?
I do not have an office, and the weather does not always co-operate with our plans to meet for walk and talk therapy. In the instance when being outdoors would be too uncomfortable or unsafe, we can have a video session or meet in a cafe if you are comfortable with that.
What is your cancellation policy?:
If you cancel more than 48 hours prior to your appointment, you can reschedule or receive a refund (minus any card fees). Within 48 hours of appointment, no refunds given.
Will you tell anyone what we discuss?
Our sessions are confidential, but there are exceptions. If you tell me anything that indicates that you or someone else is at risk of serious harm, then as I am a mandatory reporter, I am obligated to act on this information. You also must be aware that as we are outdoors, we will potentially be near/around other people and snippets of the conversation could be overheard.
Also, all counsellors are required to attend supervision, so it is possible that I may discuss your case for the purpose of getting advice for how best to support you, this is done in a respectful way and the supervisor is bound by the same confidentiality requirements as any other counsellor. Your information can also be provided if my notes are subpoenaed by the court, or if you give written permission for me to pass them on to someone.
If I tell you I am suicidal, will you report me?
A lot of people experience suicidal thinking and never have any intention of following through on the thoughts. I don’t make a report if someone expresses general thoughts around suicide, which they clearly are not going to act on (and I will clarify this). However, if I am concerned that you have an active plan to suicide in the immediate future, then in that situation, I am obligated to let emergency services know so that we can get you the assistance you need.
Please note that Hunter Valley Walk and Talk is not a crisis counselling or free service. If you feel you are in crisis and are in need of someone to talk to right now, you can call:
Lifeline – 131114 Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
Suicide call back service - 1300 659 467
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